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Kessex Hills "Wizard Tower"

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Heya I´m currently going for map completion, anyways on my way through Kessex Hills I came across the so called "Wizard Tower" at the maps bottom right corner and wondered what its all about (the wiki didn`t have much information about it) and if we can expect a dungeon/raid or event chain bringing us there in the future.

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Mag bestimmt sehr informativ sein, aber leider ist mein English nicht so gut, dass ich alles verstehe ;)

Auf der Guild Wiki Seite habe ich mal einiges zusammen getragen, was im englischen bekannt war aber nicht im deutschen Wiki.So entstanden die Seiten "Garrenhoff" und "Isgarren".https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garrenhoffhttps://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Isgarren(Die Links müssen rauskopiert werden.)Änderungen und/oder Erweiterungen dürfen gerne vorgenommen werden :)

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@"Thunderbird.4602" schrieb:Heya I´m currently going for map completion, anyways on my way through Kessex Hills I came across the so called "Wizard Tower" at the maps bottom right corner and wondered what its all about (the wiki didn`t have much information about it) and if we can expect a dungeon/raid or event chain bringing us there in the future.

The Wizard's Tower has been a running gag since GW1. Players have frequently requested access to it, but there isn't a single hint that this is going to happen, ever. So don't hold your breath. (By the way, even if there were any plans to make the area accessible at some points, we wouldn't know about them.)

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