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Alle erstellten Inhalte von ELENA.5809

  1. Hi, die meisten bots sind ja mesmer, weil man es da am wenigsten erkennt, ausser am movement, dass der eben sehr abgehackt rennt :wink:
  2. Es gibt schon sehr gute Spieler, die in duo jedes match bestimmen können, wenn allerdings 1,2 afk sind, wird es da auch schwierig zu carrien, als Solo Spieler musst du logischerweise "noch mehr " games Spielen, wenn Leute afk sind.Ich schaffe es solo bis gold 3, danach brauche ich meistens wirklich einen guten duo Partner um die "Gold Hell" zu verlassen. Denn am Ende jeder Division wird man "getestet", ob man es wirklich "verdient", was gelinde gesagt auch sehr fies ist, dass man dann ein schlechtes team bekommt und gegen platin-player antreten muss, aber nun ja,ich habe mal einen Post eröffnet um alle Missstände aufzuzeigen:https://de-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/7920/alle-pvp-fehler-in-einem-post-speziell-auch-an-die-entwickler-von-anet/p1?new=1
  3. Hi Leute, Leider in English, ist aber eh Grundvoraussetzung eigtl. schon alleine, wenn man "metabattle" lesen will...Ich hoffe es stört keinen und wenn doch, dann gibt es noch Google translator ;) ich schreibe das jetzt nicht nochmal um, meine Zeit ist kostbar ;) First of all I'll give anet a reason to read this, cause I'm owner of an IT- company and I know-most important for a company like anet is to get as much profit profit at end of the day and profit comes with new clients. Many players left not only from gw2 pvp, but they left the game at all, because they are disgusted by the pvp ranked games.So if you read this, you will get more clients/ new players in your game/ make your game more attractive- more money! ;) Just think about it how much energy and time you already invested in gw2 pvpmaps and pvp is just in a blink of an eye away to be very attractive.Because gw2 has an incredible nice graphics, just you need perfectionize pvp. 1)Ranked:not mix different divisions together- dont mix silver with platin or gold players - I rather wait or play another day for my ranked than loose my points!And if people want play "for fun" there is still unranked. No pve mats or daily in ranked pvp - cause pve people enter ranked, just for mats, they dont really care for win or even insult, if you tell them what they can do better-that freaks out pvp people! who really mean it serious with pvp. 2)More good and easy infos for new players INGAME, like godsofpvp.net, new players who install the game and play, need to know how to build a proper pvp build and how to use itI dont know if im supposed to link here the sites, if not admins, please delete the link and not the whole post. I been writing it for weeks. thank you. When I entered first time the pvp I had no clue, no one helped me, I needed long time to figure things out,so the above link would have helped me^^ at start and still does. But I love the competition and it wasvery challenging to fight vs other players, especially in a team, so I was very patient to learn all this. 3) If I want invite my friends to tournament, I can just write a very limited amount of messages,I not spam them, I just ask, and many happy to enter with me or are grateful and appreciate being invited andsomeone even writing them, cause there is not much communication ingame, if you arent in a guild you very lonely.If you not take action yourself, no one will write you, especially as beginner. 4) Unranked:dont really care, but it would be nice to do same changes there,because if silver players train there builds there, they are not oneshotted by platin. One week ago:Sunday evening- Im back on g3 after hard work and play ranked vs guys from French worms ( place 5 in Europe) what please is going on here?I mean, these guys are legendary!I better NOT get ANY matchup than play vs legendary and have NO CHANCE.I just loosing my hard earned points for 100% 5)ANd many bots since 6 months.Please no more bots in pvp! 6) chests with mats IN THE MIDDLE of the pvpmatch!? Bright blinking chests!? Really? The guy who did this §Q$"ERW, I think he NEVER played a pvpmatch or AT to know that you need to focus ingameand you NOT have the timeto open a chest during a pvpmatch. Actual problem yesterday:Hard work pays off and I went into platin division at end of season- last games even solo q- very challenging and big fun!Waking up next morning, realizing anet opened 2x2 season right after the 5x5 season is NO FUN!And platin badge already gone! Again a bad fauxpas from anet! I was about to enjoy my platin badge for a while, but nope... If I enter ATs, people often dont trust (for a good reason) and want to see "the badge"btw ATs are the only place you still can have fair matches 5x5 with your own team,ranked isnt fair at all in my point of view.Even if you are a good player, you cant carry if there are afk or bots. Long story short, please listen to me, do this small changes or on long or short terms, for me, I will leave, like many others did, because of these same reasons^ ANET, It is your decision, if you want gain new customers or loose the old ones by just not respecting them enough.Every clever business man knows, it is easier to keep up to the old costumers, by keeping up communication and to pleasing them. Greetings and respect to Mighty Teapot and his tournament and all the other fascinated gamers who struggle hard to keep pvp attractive. Sorry for my bad English, Im German! ;)Good luck!Take care byeE. - manche kennen mich, viele lieben mich und der Rest , die k... mich ;)
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