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pvp spiele balance.


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@Akim.9657 schrieb:frage wie kann es sein das in einem team 3 gleiche klassen spielen können dachte immer 2 wäre das maximum.

Das Maximum ist tatsächlich 2 , wenn aber Spieler vor dem match ihre Klasse wechseln könnens dann auch mehr sein. Nach meiner Erfahrung kommt das aber sehr selten vor. Hatte in den letzten 200 ranked matches kein einziges mal mehr als 2 von einer Klasse.

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Why is your matchmaking system so fucked up ? Can you please change something about it ? E.g. : I don't want to get in teams with ppl i have already blocked I don't want to play with ppl who have a much lower rank in pvp like i have. I don't want to play with ppl who have so much less matches done, like I have. I mean, you collect all the statistical data and DON'T USE IT. The pvp expierience is so terribly bad in this game, I CAN'T BELIEVE it that I have payed real world money for that crap !

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@Sergiolino.6183 schrieb:Why is your matchmaking system so fucked up ? Can you please change something about it ? E.g. : I don't want to get in teams with ppl i have already blocked I don't want to play with ppl who have a much lower rank in pvp like i have. I don't want to play with ppl who have so much less matches done, like I have. I mean, you collect all the statistical data and DON'T USE IT. The pvp expierience is so terribly bad in this game, I CAN'T BELIEVE it that I have payed real world money for that crap !

There is not a single game that uses this Kind of matchmaking you are suggesting

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